Saturday, February 14, 2009

Children's Choir Circa 1951-1952

This is the South Reformed Church Children's Choir, circa 1951-1952. Most of the older children with the darker robes in the back were part of the Confirmation Class of 1952.

(Click on the picture to enlarge it).

Don't recall all the names, but here's a best appraisal for now (thanks to additional input from Adina) until we get further input from others so that we can update:

Bottom Row 1: Paulette Behrens, (?), Kenny Kramer, (?), (?), (?) Plumb, (?), Howie Nelson.
Row 2: Judy Plumb, (?), (?), (?), (?) Ellis, Lois Ainsty, (?) Ellis, Connie Beulow, Bobby Peterson.
Row 3: Peggy Love, Cathy Loeb, Beverly Kramer, Helen Brooks, (?), (?).
Row 4: Helen "Button" Queen, Betty Lou Jensen, Pastor Williams (behind Betty Lou), Adina Yonan, Betty Zylemaker, (? behind), Sandra Kennedy, Gene Nelson, Wayne Moritzen, Jack Peterson.

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